Weekly league play is $12.00 per match played.
Annual membership is only $20.00. Your annual membership entitles you to play in the TAP League as many nights as you wish and play in tournaments.
Additional annual dues are required for our BCAPL and ACS sanctioned divisions. We take these dues out of the end-of-session payouts over the three sessions.
Each week you may leave all payments in your packet and return your packet to the bartender at your location when you are done playing.
For your convenience we also offer the following electronic payment option!
Zelle to 702-576-7237
Venmo to @Tap-LasVegas
Here are the standard TAP rules for each game format. The TAP Las Vegas Addendum provides additional clarifications and local league rules.
Scoresheets can be used if TAP the App is not working. Copies of the appropriate scoresheets are provided in your weekly packet.